Asterisk Project Security Advisory – AST-2014-008
Il giorno 12 giugno 2014, il Team di Sviluppo di Asterisk ha annunciato il rilascio delle securety release per Asterisk: 1.8.15-cert6,, 11.6-cert3, 11.10.1, 12.3.1
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Asterisk Project Security Advisory - AST-2014-008
Product Asterisk
Summary Denial of Service in PJSIP Channel Driver
Nature of Advisory Denial of Service
Susceptibility Remote authenticated sessions
Severity Moderate
Exploits Known No
Reported On 28 May, 2014
Reported By Mark Michelson
Posted On June 12, 2014
Last Updated On June 12, 2014
Advisory Contact Mark Michelson
CVE Name CVE-2014-4048
Description When a SIP transaction timeout caused a subscription to be
terminated, the action taken by Asterisk was guaranteed to
deadlock the thread on which SIP requests are serviced.
Note that this behavior could only happen on established
subscriptions, meaning that this could only be exploited if
an attacker bypassed authentication and successfully
subscribed to a real resource on the Asterisk server.
Resolution The socket-servicing thread is now no longer capable of
dispatching synchronous tasks to other threads since that
may result in deadlocks.
Affected Versions
Product Release Series
Asterisk Open Source 12.x All versions
Corrected In
Product Release
Asterisk Open Source 12.3.1
SVN URL Revision Asterisk
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