Asterisk Project Security Advisory – AST-2014-005
Il giorno 12 giugno 2014, il Team di Sviluppo di Asterisk ha annunciato il rilascio delle securety release per Asterisk: 1.8.15-cert6,, 11.6-cert3, 11.10.1, 12.3.1
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Asterisk Project Security Advisory - AST-2014-005
Product Asterisk
Summary Remote Crash in PJSIP Channel Driver's
Publish/Subscribe Framework
Nature of Advisory Denial of Service
Susceptibility Remote Unauthenticated Sessions
Severity Moderate
Exploits Known No
Reported On March 17, 2014
Reported By John Bigelow
Posted On June 12, 2014
Last Updated On June 12, 2014
Advisory Contact Kevin Harwell
CVE Name CVE-2014-4045
Description A remotely exploitable crash vulnerability exists in the
PJSIP channel driver's pub/sub framework. If an attempt is
made to unsubscribe when not currently subscribed and the
endpoint's "sub_min_expiry" is set to zero, Asterisk tries
to create an expiration timer with zero seconds, which is
not allowed, so an assertion raised.
Resolution Upgrade to a version with the patch integrated, apply the
patch, or make sure the "sub_min_expiry" endpoint
configuration option is greater than zero.
Affected Versions
Product Release Series
Asterisk Open Source 12.x All
Corrected In
Product Release
Asterisk Open Source 12.x 12.3.1
SVN URL Revision Asterisk
Asterisk Project Security Advisories are posted at
This document may be superseded by later versions; if so, the latest
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